The organic farm “Tra Cielo e Terra” consists of contiguous land covering an area of ​​5 hectares, of which 2 hectares of olive grove from which we produce extra virgin olive oil and 3 hectares of arable land. No soil chemicals have been used on our land for fertilizing or weeding for 25 years.

The cereal production is based on cereals such as monococcus and dicoccus spelled . To reset the properties of the land a rotation is carried out by putting it aside every three years. In the year of set-aside, nitrogen crops are seeded, such as favino, sainfoin or sulla. In the olive grove for nitrogen the sovesco is implemented.

Monococcus on field

We cultivate monococcus spelled (Triticum monococcum), an ancient “forgotten seed” from the Roman period. This spelled is considered the father of all cereals, robust and therefore particularly suitable for organic production, but with poor yield, then replaced in modern times by the most lucrative dicoccus spelled. The monococcus spelled is highly energetical, rich in proteins and some doctors say it is curative for the intestine.It has an intense and fragrant taste. We offer packages of 500 gr pearl monococcus spelled, 1 kg of spelled flour and tagliatelle in packs of 500 gr.

From the field to the plate

Our range of products is complemented by the production of real lavender essential oil, vegetables on a surface of 500 square meters and fruit trees such as cherry, fig, apricot, plums, walnuts and hazelnuts.

Our spray packaging